America the Vulnerable: How Our Government Is Failing to Protect Us from Terrorism In this book, Dr. Flynn outlines the shortcomings of the government in preparing the nation's most vulnerable infrastructures for an act of terrorism
An Analysis of Resilience Planning at the Nexus of Food, Energy, Water, and Transportation in Coastal US Cities Access the full article here. Abstract: Climate change poses increased risks to coastal communities and the interconnected infrastructure they rely…
An Equitable, Clean Energy Recovery for New England The COVID-19 pandemic has created the need for massive federal investment to stimulate a recovery. Government investment will either integrate considerations of climate change and transition to renewable energy or thwart transformation by reinforcing the status quo of fossil fuel-based system.
Ann Lesperance: Enhancing Community Resilience Through Social Capital and Connectedness Read the full publication here. Excerpt: The Resilient America Program of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine convened…
Ann Lesperance: Motivating Local Climate Adaptation and Strengthening Resilience Read the full publication here. Excerpt: To help reduce the immense human and financial toll of disasters caused by natural…
Assessment Framework for evaluation of active defense of in-vehicle networks Through a grant from the Office of Naval Research, GRI worked with a team of computer scientists at the Army…
Attracting Altruists: Explaining Volunteer Turnout During Natural Hazards in Japan Volunteers serve a crucial role in post‐disaster situations, providing resources, emotional support, and labor at a time when local and…
Avoiding Leapfrog Brain When times are uncertain, we are eager to find meaning. We find comfort in thinking we are in the know.…
Beyond Climate Isolationism: a Necessary Shift for Climate Justice In the September 2022 issue of Current Climate Change Reports, Faculty Affiliate Jennie Stephens reviews the inadequacy and dangers of climate isolationism, explores why climate justice provides an alternative more effective framing, and calls for more ....
Beyond Sustainability and Resilience: Questions Read More Distinguished Senior Fellow, John Plodinec continues his "Future Fit" blog series with a new post "Beyond Sustainability and…
Biological and Clinical Consequences of Integrin Binding via a Rogue RGD Motif in the SARS CoV-2 Spike Protein Although ACE2 (angiotensin converting enzyme 2) is considered the primary receptor for CoV-2 cell entry, recent reports suggest that alternative…
Bolstering Critical Infrastructure Resilience After Superstorm Sandy: Lessons for New York and the Nation This report from the Global Resilience Institute, formerly the Center for Resilience Studies, identifies lessons learned in the wake of…