Timothy Hoff: Pandemic-inspired Idealism is Prompting Careers in Health Care. Caveat Emptor Health care workers facing notoriously difficult work lives and high levels of burnout were some of the brightest stars in…
Could We Save Lives by Assigning Each American a Place in Line for Vaccines? Imagine a formula that could score each American’s unique risk of dying of COVID-19. People’s odds would determine their exact…
Op-ed: Employers Need to Support Summer Jobs Memorial Day traditionally marks the beginning of summer and with it, the hunt by many teenagers for a summer job.…
John Plodinec in Resilient Communities: Memorial Day This past week we honored those who died while in military service. Parades were held, their graves were decorated, and…
In the Hands of a Few: Disaster Recovery Committee Networks Abstract: When disaster strikes, urban planners often rely on feedback and guidance from committees of officials, residents, and interest groups…
Freedom from Thirst: A Right to Basic Household Water In the United States, the idea that household water for drinking and basic hygiene is a constitutional right has seldom…
Childcare is a Business Issue When the Covid-19 pandemic removed the safety net of schooling and employee-paid child care for working families, the damage was…
COVID-19 and Human Rights This timely collection brings together original explorations of the COVID-19 pandemic and its wide-ranging, global effects on human rights. The…
Integration of the SDGs in the Brazilian Electric Power Sector In collaboration with Denise Hills (President), Carlo Pereira (Executive Secretary), and other members of the UN Global Compact Network Brazil,…
Polarized Policing At a recent event on anti-Asian violence, sponsored by the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights, the conversation turned contentious. While…
After Shattuck is Demolished, Restore Green Space to Franklin Park For over 120 years, Franklin Park has been a beloved space for Boston residents, especially for those in neighboring Roxbury,…
Stop the Emerging AI Cold War A race to militarize artificial intelligence is gearing up. Two years ago, the US Congress created the National Security Commission…