In this day and age, it’s hard to imagine our lives without access to technology. The COVID-19 pandemic, has proven how valuable and efficient technology can be in times of crisis, giving society the chance to become more connected or stay connected from a distance. Routine activities – whether they be business or personal – all rely on information being distributed continuously within cyberspace and someone on the other end receiving that communication. However, despite the benefits technology can bring, cyber activities can expose users to potential risks, exposing themselves to potential risks.


Risks like cybersecurity violation or cyberattacks can cause severe damages such as attempts to destroy, expose, or obtain unauthorized access to computer networks and or personal computer devices. While it is no secret the risks to personal data is increasing with phishing emails, scam calls, and other creative ways cyber criminals attempt to access someone’s personal data, organizations are equally, if not more widely at risk without the prioritization of cyber resilience.


Cyber resilience is the ability of an organization to prepare, respond, and recover when cyberattacks happen. An organization resiliency to such threats is when they have the ability to not only defend itself against these attacks, but also limit the impacts these incidents may have and ensure the continuity of operations during and after the attacks.  According to RSI Security, the nation’s premier cybersecurity and compliance provider, the purpose of cybersecurity is to protect information but, cyber resilience focuses on making sure the business is delivered, keeping business goals intact rather than the IT systems.


Cyber resilience has four factors:

  1. Threat protection
  2. Recoverability
  3. Adaptability
  4. Durability


Cyber resilience is essential because it has numerous benefits to an organization before, during, and after cyberattacks. These benefits include enhancing system security, reducing financial losses, getting regulatory and legal requirements, enhancing work culture and internal process, protecting an organization’s reputation, maintaining the trust of suppliers and customers, and improving the organization’s IT team.


Cyber risks and threats are inevitable and happen unexpectedly. However, they are preventable and manageable with the right cyber resilience strategy. It is crucial for organizations and individuals to build a strategy to defend itself against cyber attackers. Learn more about GRI’s cyber resilience initiatives.


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