5th Global Summit of GADRI: Engaging Science with Action
The GADRI 2021 conference aims at stock taking of progress in DRR research from its Members towards targets of the Sendai Science and Technology Roadmap. The programme will communicate academic science across scientific disciplines to policy makers and practitioners. It is an important aspect for academics to be aware how science can directly contribute to national and local disasters, for example, a dam break or an epidemic outbreak, etc. Such situations prompt scientists’ interventions, expertise, and experience and to share them with emergency managers in crisis situations.
The biennial Global Summit Series was initiated by the Disaster Prevention Research Institute (DPRI), Kyoto University, Uji Campus, Kyoto Japan with the first Global Summit of Research Institutes for Disaster Risk Reduction session held in November 2011 during the same year a triple disaster – Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami devastated Japan in March 2011.