The AIB-LAC Chapter holds a regional conference every year that takes place at a new location each time. Historically, between 60 and 120 academics and students, mainly from countries in the Latin American and Caribbean region, have attended each conference. Since the inauguration of the chapter, meetings have taken place in various countries in the region, however this year it will be held virtually due to the pandemic. Each conference features a variety of competitive and interactive paper sessions as well as panels across different functional areas that are presented in parallel tracks. All manuscripts submitted go through a double-blind peer-review process. The AIB-LAC Conference should either take place in connection with the AIB conference or during any other month of the year not within the threemonth period bracketing the AIB Annual Meeting, according to AIB guidelines. The meeting lasts 2-3 days, and, in accordance with the AIB guidelines, the elected AIB-LAC Program Chair is responsible for the organization and conduct of the meeting, working with members of the Board, the Pre-Conference Chair, and the assigned Track Chairs. According to the AIB guidelines, the meeting should be open to AIB members and prospective members, and all participants listed in the program should be strongly encouraged to join the AIB as members.

GRI Faculty Affiliate Larissa Marchiori Pacheco will chair a panel named “The implementation of Agenda 2030 in Latin America and the Caribbean: Perception of practitioners and academia on the SDGs”.



The multi-day conference will take place on Wednesday, May 26 to Friday, May 28, 2021, To register, click here.

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