Collaboration Between Tool Developers and Users: A Case Study Analysis of the National Water Model for Community Resilience Planning in Houston, TX
Featuring Kristin Raub, Postdoctoral Research Associate, GRI &
Dr. Joshua Laufer, Postdoctoral Research Associate, GRI
Water-based hazards, such as inland and coastal flooding, threaten communities and are only projected to increase in severity and frequency as Earth continues to warm. Communities have begun to engage in resilience planning to develop actions to adapt to or overcome a great number of shocks and stresses. Additionally, many resources by US federal agencies have been developed to help communities predict, mitigate, and adapt to the hazards they face, such as the National Water Center’s (NWC) National Water Model (NWM): a water prediction model that provides forecast guidance for over 3.4 million miles of rivers and streams across the US and its territories. However, communities face barriers to accessing and using these tools.
This talk focuses on an ongoing qualitative study that explores community resilience planners’ relationship with the NWC and National Water Model in the Houston and Galveston, Texas area by analyzing how the NWM has been and could be better applied in resilience planning and how the NWC could support this use.