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From June 6-9th, FEMA(Federal Emergency Management Agency) will be hosting the 24th Annual Emergency Management HiEd Symposium will be held June 6–9, 2022, at the National Emergency Training Center (NETC) in Emmitsburg, Maryland. FEMA’s HiEd Program will coordinate workshops, plenaries, and breakout sessions highlighting how to build, engage, and amplify the work of the emergency management academic community.

This year, The Global Resilience Institute’s very own Founding director, Dr. Stephen Flynn, would be presenting a case study on the experiences of GRI’s direct involvement when supporting FEMA Region 1 COVID-19 disaster recovery support efforts in the New England region from April 2020 to March 2022.

This case study features several key findings and results that can be takeaways for improving the success of post-disaster recovery efforts nationwide. This will include a discussion of concurrently organizing disaster recovery with disaster response, the direct role of public and private universities as anchor institutions to support disaster recovery, and the mobilization of students to address equity in recovery among other results.

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