International Symposium on Risk Assessment Approaches for Decision Making – Communication
Abstract proposals can be submitted here.
On the 25th of May, GRRN partner, Cranfield University, will be hosting a symposium that welcomes professionals from any discipline that uses evidence-based risk assessment methods to aid decision making. In previous years topics have covered risk assessment for environmental management, safety, finance and crisis management. This year, the main focus of the symposium is communication, as we believe cross-discipline collaboration and consistency of terminology is essential to implement, mitigate and manage risks.
The symposium will feature live presentations from keynote speakers, with the opportunity to continue the discussion in facilitated coffee breaks. There will be multiple sessions themed around specific industry sectors such as defence, or risk assessment themes such as safety and environment. Delegates will have the freedom to choose which sessions to join with the ability to speak face-to-face, or via text-based functions. The breakout sessions will be diverse and may include panel discussions, presentations or open discussion sessions. There will also be opportunities for networking during virtual ‘coffee break’ sessions, as well as additional resources hosted on an online forum, such as the poster gallery and exhibitors area.