Adaptation strategies are often implemented based on good ideas and best guesses, without follow-up to monitor and evaluate the efficacy of implemented adaptation practices or processes.

The goal of this series is to advance the application of monitoring and evaluating (M&E) within climate adaptation to increase its effectiveness. This four-part virtual series will highlight different approaches, examples, and frameworks from across the adaptation community, spanning natural, built, and social systems.

There will be ample opportunity for Q&A and a training session will conclude the series that can help attendees deepen their knowledge and ability to integrate M&E into their ongoing work.

All event series can be attended using the same registration link

Session Descriptions

Session One: Moving to evidence-based adaptation

Wednesday, March 16: 2 pm – 3:30 pm ET

·    This panel will provide an introduction to adaptation M&E theory and practices.

·    The session will cover four aspects of M&E:

·    An introduction to the role of monitoring in helping foster clarity of goals, the inclusion of equity and nature, and learning if you are achieving success.

·    Examples and lessons of M&E used by sites across the country.

·    An inventory of resilience metrics for M&E practice in adaptation.

·    How M&E can be incorporated at each level of the Steps to Resilience.

Session Two: A well-rounded perspective on monitoring and evaluation – global, federal, and local.

Wednesday, March 30: 2 pm – 3:30 pm ET

·    This session will include the following presentations:

·    Colleen McGinn, ISET International, “Raising the Bar: Designing, Monitoring, and Evaluating Climate Resilience.”

·    Kathryn Godfrey, U.S. Government Accountability Office, “Adaptation and Accountability: The Role of GAO’s Disaster Resilience Framework in System-Wide Action.”

·    Malgosia Madajewicz, Columbia University, “Enabling homeowners to adapt to coastal flooding: The case of Rockaway in New York City.”


Session Three: Adaptation monitoring and evaluation theory and practice in the natural resources and conservation sector

Wednesday, April 13: 2 pm – 3:30 pm ET

·    This session will offer a comprehensive set of criteria for evaluating adaptation projects, examine evaluation efforts in the U.S. conservation sector, and share examples of evaluation in action.

·    Lauren Oakes will introduce a “scorecard” of 16 criteria for evaluating adaptation projects and results from an analysis of M&E plans from 76 adaptation projects.

·    Practitioners will describe their M&E efforts, indicators linked to near- and long-term goals, and practical aspects of evaluating adaptation projects in coastal South Carolina and in forests and rangelands of California.


Session Four: Training in developing targeted adaptation indicators and metrics

Wednesday, April 27: 2 pm – 3:30 pm ET

·    During this training, attendees will be able to explore a toolkit ( created for the development, selection and use of tailored successful adaptation indicators and metrics (SAIMs).



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