Jennie Stephens & Laura Kuhl in News@Northeastern: Pop-Up Course on Climate Conference Gives Students Front-Row Seat at COP26
Laura Kuhl, Assistant Professor of Public Policy and Urban Affairs and International Affairs was featured on News@Northeastern for her timely pop-up course that coincides with the two-week climate summit(COP26). Kuhl’s pop-up course includes 30 students who have U.N. badges and will be official virtual observers. Throughout COP26, students will meet virtually with negotiators and other experts, observe formal negotiations, and participate in related events.
In addition, to Laura’s wonderful insights as to how we can work together to educate one another in a pledge to reduce deforestation, Jennie Stephens, GRI’s Director of strategic research collaborations, voiced her opinion and insights as to how we can focus on reducing carbon emission and phasing out fossil fuels.