Howard Smith

Distinguished Corporate Fellow

Dr. Howard Smith is a Senior Research Analyst with 28 years of experience as a social scientist and operations researcher. His career focus is on the governance and performance measurement of resilience and homeland security issues. Currently he is the Integration Team Lead for the System of Systems Operations Analysis (SoSOA) program, designing transition and sustainment strategies for the development of a DHS-wide operations analysis capability. As Integration Team Lead for the SoSOA program, he is developing simulations capable of showing complex interdependencies between critical infrastructure systems before and after disruptive events and programmatic changes. Prior to joining ARA he served the DHS Homeland Security Studies and Analysis FFRDC as the Mission Area Director for Resilience, Emergency Preparedness and Response, and as the division director for Policy and Program Analysis. In these roles he acted as research director and study manager for 27 cybersecurity, resilience, and emergency preparedness studies including:

Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience (CISR): Enhanced Incentives, Coordination and Outreach Studies
CISR: Regulatory Environment Analysis
CISR: Research and Development Plan
Cyber Consequence Assessment Methodology
Disaster Condition Index
Homeland Response Force – Examining the Seams in Inter-Agency
Over his career he developed, supported and deployed dozens of outcome-oriented performance measurement processes across a wide range of social, economic, and physical systems. Including development of a published guidebook on resilience measurement: Measuring for Results Application of Key Concepts to Resilience Measurement (2015)

PhD, Public Administration, The George Washington University, 2007
MBA, Operations Management and Organizational Behavior, Cornell University, 1990
BA, Modern European History and Literature, New College of Florida, 1986