Advancing societal resilience around the world
The Threat of Nuclear Terrorism, With Stephen Flynn
Stephen Flynn, Chair of the National Academies of Sciences’ Committee on Assessing WMD Nuclear Terrorism and professor of political science at Northeastern University, sits down with James M. Lindsay to discuss the steps the US government should take to prevent and respond to nuclear terrorism.
Nuclear Terrorism ‘Risks Are High’, Researchers Warn
Founding Director Stephen Flynn was recently interviewed by Newsweek on the recent National Academies report on Nuclear Terrorism threat. The report concluded that while efforts have been made, they are not sufficient to address the evolving threat. The report highlights the need for expanded, sustained and adaptive measures to manage the risk of nuclear terrorism effectively.
Upcoming Webinar
Nuclear Terrorism: Assessing and Improving Strategies for Preventing, Count
On this Tuesday, June 18, 2024, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM ET., please join us for a panel discussion highlighting the findings and recommendations from the report with leading stakeholders from the counterterrorism offices in the U.S. government.
Resilience News
CSPAN: Stephen Flynn on Infrastructure Resilience and Baltimore Bridge Collapse
In this live interview hosted by the Washington Journal, Dr. Stephen Flynn, the founding director of the Global Resilience Institute discusses how to mitigate risk and build infrastructure resilience in the aftermath of the Baltimore Key Bridge collapse.
Upcoming Events
Water Science Conference 2024
Join GRI and partner CUAHSI in person for this year’s Water Science Conference from 24 – 27 June 2024 in St. Paul, Minnesota. The Water Science Conference (WaterSciCon) brings the water community together every two years to share research, collaborate, and plan for the future.
Resilience Projects
Advancing Community Climate Resilience Planning in the Caribbean Region
In this USAID funded project from 2019, the Global Resilience Institute (GRI) at Northeastern University (NEU) and the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa (UH) collaborated together in order to help form the Caribbean Islands Higher Education Resilience Consortium (CIHERC). The shared goal of the consortium members is to aid Caribbean Island States in mitigating and adapting to climate change effects while also pursuing economic development opportunities associated with building a resilient blue and green economy.