
To encourage cross-sector knowledge sharing of successes and lessons learned from risk assessment, highlighting the role effective communication plays in risk-based decision making.

The symposium welcomes professionals from any discipline that uses evidence-based risk assessment methods to aid decision making. In previous years topics have covered risk assessment for environmental management, safety, finance and crisis management. This year, the main focus of the symposium is communication, as we believe cross-discipline collaboration and consistency of terminology is essential to implement, mitigate and manage risks.

Format: virtual symposium

Following the success of last year’s virtual symposium, Cranfield University Environmental Science Group will host this year’s two-day event on the 17 and 18 November 2021 on a wholly virtual platform. The symposium will feature live presentations from keynote speakers, with the opportunity to continue the discussion in facilitated coffee breaks. There will be multiple sessions themed around specific industry sectors such as defense, or risk assessment themes such as safety and environment. Delegates will have the freedom to choose which sessions to join with the ability to speak face-to-face, or via text-based functions. The breakout sessions will be diverse and may include panel discussions, presentations or open discussion sessions. There will also be opportunities for networking during virtual ‘coffee break’ sessions, as well as additional resources hosted on an online forum, such as the poster gallery and exhibitors area.

In addition, we are pleased to announce that for the second year all contributors will be invited to submit an academic manuscript for a special edition on Communicating Risk- full title and details to be announced- in the open access mega journal Heliyon. ”

This is a virtual event that will take place on November 17 – November 18, 2021. View event details and register to attend.

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