Northeastern Collaborative on Resilient Energy (N-CORE)
The goal of the Northeastern Collaborative on Resilient Energy (N-CORE) is to facilitate new collaborative energy-related research across Northeastern University and catalyze the impact of university innovations. Despite a strong track-record of extensive research capacity in energy system resilience at Northeastern, mechanisms to connect, communicate, and coordinate energy related research and education among different departments and schools, as well as outside institutions, have been minimal.
N-CORE provides a campus-wide structure to facilitate collaborations and strengthen productive and impactful relationships among energy resilience researchers. This initiative involves a multidisciplinary team from five colleges at Northeastern, allowing for an inclusive structure with a goal of expanding the network of energy researchers. As part of this project, the team focuses on participating in events, meetings, and activities which fosters a sustainable community of researchers to share ideas that will lead to the development of new collaborations and novel transdisciplinary research proposals. N-CORE also works to support interdisciplinary educational opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students that focus on energy.