A ‘network of networks’ approach to multiscale dependence in critical infrastructure lifelines under resilience stressors | Global Resilience Institute

While the increasing complexity and intelligence of critical infrastructures enable us to make better decisions and reduce the associated risks with such decisions, these infrastructures themselves are at risk due to variety of factors including weather, climate change, cyber-attacks, and extreme changes in the operating environment. Therefore, developing thorough understanding of the dependence structure among extreme events is critical for evaluating the impact of stressors on infrastructure and natural systems (stressed systems), and human lives and economies (impacted systems).

This project aims to develop a novel and efficient framework that will enable analytical prediction of complex behaviors, in response to system and policy changes. The framework, including resilience focused methods and computational tools, will provide an improved understanding of the interdependencies created by the interactions between the physical, the cyber, and social, behavioral and economic elements of interdependent critical infrastructure systems.

Project Principal Investigators