Research Handbook on Human Rights and Poverty
Professor Martha Davis, faculty director for Northeastern Law’s Program on Human Rights and the Global Economy and the NuLawLab, is a co-editor of the newly published Research Handbook on Human Rights and Poverty (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2021). The book explores the nexus between human rights, poverty and inequality as a critical lens for understanding and addressing key challenges of the coming decades. It is an essential reference guide for those who teach in these areas and for scholars and students developing future research agendas of their own and will also serve as a much-needed resource for people working practically to address poverty in both the Global North and Global South.
“Bringing human rights tools and perspectives to bear on persistent poverty and inequality is more important than ever in this moment of political and social unrest,” said Professor Davis, whose previous books include Global Urban Justice: The Rise of Human Rights Cities; Human Rights Advocacy in the United States; Bringing Human Rights Home; and Brutal Need: Lawyers and the Welfare Rights Movement.
About the Co-Editor:
Professor Davis teaches Constitutional Law, US Human Rights Advocacy and Professional Responsibility. She is a faculty director for the law school’s Program on Human Rights and the Global Economy and the NuLawLab. In 2015-2016, she held the Fulbright Distinguished Chair in Human Rights and Humanitarian Law at the Raoul Wallenberg Institute (RWI), Lund University, in Lund, Sweden. She continued her work with RWI in 2017-2018, when she received a Fulbright Specialist Award, and she is now an affiliated scholar of the institute. She is also a member of the expert committee of Human Right 2 Water, a Geneva-based development organization that advocates for water and human rights.