Stress Testing to Assess Recovery from Extreme Events Abstract: Over the last decade, communities have become increasingly aware of the risks they face. They are threatened by natural…
Strengthening Post-Hurricane Supply Chain Resilience Resilient supply chains are crucial to maintaining the consistent delivery of goods and services to the American people. The modern…
Stop the Emerging AI Cold War A race to militarize artificial intelligence is gearing up. Two years ago, the US Congress created the National Security Commission…
Social Capital’s Role in Humanitarian Crises The growing scale and persistence of humanitarian crises constitute a critical problem for nation-states, aid organizations and crisis-affected people. Many humanitarian responders continue to focus on material aid, providing essential supplies and services during these crises, while other actors restore physical infrastructures...
Smart Grid Electricity System Planning and Climate Disruptions: A Review of Climate and Energy Discourse Post-Superstorm Sandy This research examines how Superstorm Sandy affected utilities, particularly in relation to states' policies on climate change and smart grids.…
Smallholder agriculture and climate change This research contrasts the impact of climate change on smallholder agricultural systems with other agricultural systems and populations. Using mapping…
SKI Focus Report 9: Measuring Critical Infrastructure Resilience This report aims to highlight the ways a state can assess their critical infrastructure (CI) resilience, and to illustrate present…
Seismic Lifelines Evaluation, Vulnerability Synthesis, and Identification This document analyzes key "lifelines," or critical transportation corridors that would be essential for providing emergency services and facilitating economic…
Searching for the Family Doctor: “Primary Care on the Brink” The family doctor, Hoff explains, was conceived of as a powered-up version of the "country doctor" idea. At a time when doctor-patient relationships are evaporating in the face of highly transactional, fast-food-style medical practice, this ideal seems both nostalgic and revolutionary
Sciences, Publics, Politics: Lessons From Canada’s Climate Wars When Liberal Party leader Justin Trudeau took office in 2015 as Canada’s prime minister, a top priority was to establish Canada as a global leader on climate change.
Rumor Has It: The Role of Social Ties and Misinformation in Evacuation to Nearby Shelters after Disaster Abstract When crisis strikes, why do some communities utilize evacuation shelters more than others? This mixed methods study draws on…
RHOnDA: An Online Tool to Help Homeowners and Tenants Increase Resilience Faculty Affiliates, Michelle Laboy and David Fannon co-authored a Chapter in the book "Climate Adaptation and Resilience Across Scales." This…